Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring is here!

While Finnegan and I would take walks to the park when he was a newborn, it's been a long, cold winter, and we haven't had much of a chance to get outside. But all that's changing with spring finally here. Spencer and I joined a bocce league (sort of like shuffleboard with balls) that is near a little park, so Finn had his first experience on a swing.

In the purchase agreement for the new house, we stipulated that the swing set needed to stay. So we now need to get the baby swing set up, and he can enjoy it every day.

Also new for spring is the super orange stroller. With air-filled tires and suspension system, this is one sweet ride.

And while it's fun to see what plants are coming up at the new house, there are a couple of things I really miss from the old house -- namely my bleeding heart and the lilac bush that took 8 years to bloom. But since we're renting it out, at least I can visit them.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Look Ma, No Hands!

Finnegan's newest trick is pulling himself up -- primarily on his toy box. He gets the biggest kick out of standing -- especially when there's a mirror inside so he can see himself -- the kid is quite the narcissist.

And the cowboy motif of the toy box (it was Spencer's when he was a boy) must be rubbing off because he loves to do tricks once he's pulled himself up. Namely leaning waaaaay back...

....or removing a hand or two (which is when he falls).

Monday, April 13, 2009

Finn's First Nice Day on the Circle

Got the boy out and about two weeks back on one of the few nice days we've had in an otherwise dismal spring. We ran some bank errands downtown and used an old gift certificate for some Bodacious BBQ. Finn was especially taken with the cornbread.

Anyway he was enjoying the walk around the circle squealing at everyone who passed and drawing lots of attention from the ladies. Like father, like son.

The next really nice day will see us visiting the Children's museum to check into this so-called free membership folks have been telling us about since we are neighbors to the museum. Should be great. Dad looks forward to the new Star Wars exhibit.