We're on our first family vacation -- a trip to St. Joseph, Michigan with our friends the Millers. Not only is the beach soft and wide (and one of the top rated by Parents magazine -- oh how the reading material has changed in the last 10 months!), the Millers have a boat they keep docked here. Finn's first trip to the beach was a success -- with lots of sand consumed. I hope he likes sand and sun as much as his mama because I need some beach time every couple of years.
While southwest Michigan certainly isn't tropical, it's plenty warm. And the area has some serious blueberries -- which have been quite a hit with the boy. But they stain, so it's best for him to eat them naked.
And the boy is traveling in style now. This week he got the car seat that will be his hang out for years to come. Note the fauxhawk -- when there's lots of sunscreen on his head, it stands up perfectly!