Well we had a great little summer vacation last week in St. Joe Michigan where we've gone for 3 years now. Finn and Millie, as you can see, dug the beach.
Surprising to Daddy was how enjoyable our little blueberry picking expedition was. Finn ate as many as he put in his bucket, actually abandoning his bucket altogether several times. That's an iphone in his hand, but shouldn't it be a harmonica? Alisha took me to the worst Cubs game ever where they got razed by the Phillies 9 to 1 in 98 degree heat. Don't get me wrong. We were in the shade and the beer was cold, so it was fun. Theree was also time spent on Miller's Time, the boat our friends Don and Julie Miller graciously hosted us on. Finn liked driving it with Don.
Every bedtime for months when Finnegan wishes on a star he always asks for the same thing, "To have a great time at the beach." He got that yesterday up on Lake Michigan at Hager Park Beach. It was a lovely day and Millie's first beach visit ever but definitely not her last.
She is her mother's beach baby.
There will be more beach for the rest of the week.